All materials developed within the Women4Green project are published here and are available for download free of charge.
Please note the different languages – most documents are available in all partner languages (DE, IT, TK) and English.
EXPLORING the green field
Catalogue of green professions and skills
A catalog of green competencies and skills is being developed, which, on the one hand, provides a comprehensive overview of what green professions are in each country and what specific competencies/skills are required for them, and, on the other hand, assesses the extent to which green professions are already discussed in career orientation.
➜ Catalogue of green professions and skills
DESIGNING the green learning experience
Didactic Concept & Curriculum
A tailor-made LEARNING EXPERIENCE CONCEPT is developed to ensure the highest level of integrity and usability of the project outcomes for our main target groups. This includes a competence and learning goal oriented DIDACTIC CONCEPT for the whole learning experience, developed by pedagogical experts from our partners.
In addition, the CURRICULUM for the learning materials is developed, defining the specific learning objectives, content and methods needed to inform and raise awareness among young women about the green economy and green economy jobs, and to guide them towards a career in this field.
➜ Didactic Concept
➜ Curriculum
EMPOWERING the female green community
Online Community, Community Building Workshops & Podcasts
In order to maximise the impact of the project, emphasis is placed on targeted COMMUNITY BUILDING. In addition, PODCASTS on the topic are developed. This is achieved by providing a common platform for young women interested in the topic to exchange good practices and by organisi ng workshops with experts and role models in the field.
In addition, podcast episodes are produced with women who are already successful in green jobs, companies in the field or people involved in career guidance to provide additional inspiring and attractive input. The podcast episodes give a general insight into the topic of green jobs and women in green jobs and present individual occupational fields. Three podcasts are available in English and one each in IT, TK and DE.
The following materials will be available shortly:
➜ Community building Strategy
➜ Online Community
➜ Supporting documents for community building workshops
➜ Podcast:
LEARNING about the green economy
Learning materialThe LEARNING MATERIAL is produced for the target group of young women in the context of career guidance. It aims to provide a better understanding of the green economy, the future jobs in this field, the skills required and the possible training and career paths. The learning material is available in a PDF print version as well as on an e-learning platform under this link.
➜ Learing Material
➜ MILES Learing Material
GUIDING towards a green career
Workshop concept, Girls Day, Self-evaluation Tool & Interactive GameIn order to successfully guide and accompany young women towards a career in the Green Economy, an experiential WORKSHOP CONCEPT is developed. A digital self-evaluation tool will be developed to help young women become aware of your existing competences, which can also be relevant for green jobs.
They will find out which competences they already have and still need to acquire in order to work in a green job. Beyond that, a GIRLS DAY is organised to give young women a direct insight into a green profession in each country, including an intercultural exchange and presentation of their experiences. In addition, an interactive, haptic game is being developed that can be used in the context of career orientation for green jobs.
➜ Workshop concept
➜ Girls Day concept
➜ Motivational Setcards
➜ Self-evaluation tool
Interactive Game:
➜ Board
➜ Cards
➜ Sheets
➜ Rules
EMPOWERING the green job decision
Training and workshop concept for youth workers in career counselling & Guide for youth career counsellingThe developed guide provides methodological guidance for career counselling as well as for companies to specifically attract women to a career in the green economy and thus contribute to an inclusive green economy. The guide is developed based on the developed project results, taking into account the views/opinions of the main target group of young women and youth workers in career counselling.
In addition, a training and workshop concept for youth workers in career guidance is being developed to provide them with a guideline on how to involve and address green jobs in career guidance.
➜ Training and workshop concept for youth workers in career counselling
➜ Guideline for youth career counselling
➜ Learning Materials
➜ Miles Lerningmaterial
If you are interested in more information about the project, please feel free to take a look at our promotional materials:
➜ Flyer
➜ Postcard
➜ Poster
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.